Hard-of-Hearing Individuals’ narratives of Inclusion and Exclusion about their schooled EFL learning

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Rigoberto Castillo
Laura S. Florez-Martelo


This paper deals with research on inclusion concentrating on the pedagogical implications derived from a qualitative case study that looked into three hard-of-hearing (HHs) students’ perspectives and retrospectives on their schooled EFL learning. Data came from narratives gathered in autobiographical writings and interviews. Although there is a good body of literature on pedagogy in terms of strategies for dealing with HHs, few works have counted on the student’s perspectives. The authors’ insights, one of them being hard-of-hearing, call for truly inclusive policies and practices that address the categories developed in this case study, namely: 1. Deafness separates HHs from people. 2. Hearing aids are not like glasses, and 3. An exemption is not inclusion. The authors feel that the recommendations made are valid for learners with or without disabilities.

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How to Cite
Castillo, R., & Florez-Martelo, L. S. (2020). Hard-of-Hearing Individuals’ narratives of Inclusion and Exclusion about their schooled EFL learning. HOW, 27(2), 31–50. https://doi.org/10.19183/how.27.2.569
Research Reports
Author Biographies

Rigoberto Castillo, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Rigoberto Castillo holds a Ph.D. and an M.A in Applied Linguistics from The University of Texas at Austin. Professor at Universidad Distrital, Colombia, and a member of the research group Formación de Educadores. Fulbright alumnus and recipient of the National Award of ASOCOPI. He serves on the Advisory Committee of several scientific journals.

Laura S. Florez-Martelo, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Laura S. Florez-Martelo holds a B.A. in Education with a major in English Language Teaching from Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas in Colombia. Her undergraduate research work received a distinction. Ms. Florez-Martelo has participated in several international education conferences to advocate for inclusion and debunk the myths and misconceptions about hard of hearing individuals, like herself. Recipient of the Turkish Language School Scholarship. Currently teaches Spanish at a higher education institution in Texas.


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