The Construction of Social Reality through the Use of the English Language: A Study with Argentinean Pre-Service Teachers

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Pedro Luis Luchini


This case study aims at replicating a study conducted in 2007 with a group of ten trainees at the English Teacher Training Program at Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. In 2007, the participants recorded a dyadic interactive task. Speech data were analyzed to see how, through the use of language, learners construed their social reality. In the present work, seventeen pre-service English language teachers enrolled in a four-year program at Instituto Superior IDRA, in Mar del Plata, Argentina, completed a task similar to the one carried out by the 2007 group. Findings from both groups were cross-checked. Results revealed that most learners in both groups preferred to satisfy personal needs such as traveling, buying a house and a car to getting involved in doing academic research.

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How to Cite
Luchini, P. L. (2010). The Construction of Social Reality through the Use of the English Language: A Study with Argentinean Pre-Service Teachers. HOW, 17(1), 91–107. Retrieved from
Research Reports
Author Biography

Pedro Luis Luchini, Instituto Superior IDRA & Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Mar del Plata

Pedro Luis Luchini is an ELT at Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (UNMDP), Argentina. He holds an MA in ELT and Applied Linguistics, King’s College, University of London, UK. Also, he is currently a doctoral student in Letters, UNMDP. His main research areas of interest are Applied Phonology and Language Development.


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